Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 46 days ago.

Fortinet | 912740

On a FortiGate managed by FortiManager, after upgrading to 7.0.13, the Firewall Policy list may show separate sequence grouping for each policy because the global-label is updated to be unique for each policy.Workaround: drag and drop the policy to the correct sequence group in the GUI, or remove the global-label for each member policy in the group except for the leading policy.Policy 1 (global-label "group1")Policy 2Policy 3 (global-label "group2")Policy 4

Last update date:


Affected products:

FortiFirewall FFW-3980E

FortiFirewall FFW-VM64

FortiFirewall FFW-VM64-KVM

FortiGate FG-1000D

FortiGate FG-100E

FortiGate FG-100EF

FortiGate FG-100F

FortiGate FG-101E

FortiGate FG-101F

FortiGate FG-1100E

FortiGate FG-1101E

FortiGate FG-140E

Affected releases:





Fixed releases:




On a FortiGate managed by FortiManager, after upgrading to 7.4.0, the Firewall Policy list may show separate sequence grouping for each policy because the global-label is updated to be unique for each policy.Workaround: drag and drop the policy to the correct sequence group in the GUI, or remove the global-label for each member policy in the group except for the leading policy.Policy 1 (global-label "group1")Policy 2Policy 3 (global-label "group2")Policy 4 On a FortiGate managed by FortiManager, after upgrading to 7.0.13, the Firewall Policy list may show separate sequence grouping for each policy because the global-label is updated to be unique for each policy.Workaround: drag and drop the policy to the correct sequence group in the GUI, or remove the global-label for each member policy in the group except for the leading policy.Policy 1 (global-label "group1")Policy 2Policy 3 (global-label "group2")Policy 4

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