Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 67 days ago.

Fortinet | 937879

FortiGate 7000F chassis with FIM-7941Fs cannot load balance fragmented IPv6 TCP and UDP traffic. Instead, fragmented IPv6 TCP and UDP traffic received by the FIM-7941F interfaces is sent directly to the primary FPM, bypassing the NP7 load balancers. IPv6 ICMP fragmented traffic load balancing works as expected. Load balancing fragmented IPv6 TCP and UDP traffic works as expected in FortiGate 7000F chassis with FIM-7921Fs.

Last update date:


Affected products:

FortiFirewall FFW-3980E

FortiFirewall FFW-VM64

FortiFirewall FFW-VM64-KVM

FortiGate FG-1000D

FortiGate FG-1000F

FortiGate FG-1001F

FortiGate FG-100E

FortiGate FG-100EF

FortiGate FG-100F

FortiGate FG-101E

FortiGate FG-101F

FortiGate FG-1100E

Affected releases:






Fixed releases:




FortiGate 7000F chassis with FIM-7941Fs cannot load balance fragmented IPv6 TCP and UDP traffic. Instead, fragmented IPv6 TCP and UDP traffic received by the FIM-7941F interfaces is sent directly to the primary FPM, bypassing the NP7 load balancers. IPv6 ICMP fragmented traffic load balancing works as expected. Load balancing fragmented IPv6 TCP and UDP traffic works as expected in FortiGate 7000F chassis with FIM-7921Fs. FortiGate-7000F chassis with FIM-7941Fs cannot load balance fragmented IPv6 TCP and UDP traffic. Instead, fragmented IPv6 TCP and UDP traffic received by the FIM-7941F interfaces is sent directly to the primary FPM, bypassing the NP7 load balancers. IPv6 ICMP fragmented traffic load balancing works as expected. Load balancing fragmented IPv6 TCP and UDP traffic works as expected in FortiGate-7000F chassis with FIM-7921Fs.

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