Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 1257 days ago.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise | a00109147en_us

Advisory: RESTful Interface Tool (iLOREST) - Field Replaceable Unit [FRU] Data Should Be Removed While Loading the BIOS Settings to Another Server Using the RESTful Interface Tool

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While attempting to load the BIOS settings to another server using the RESTful Interface Tool (iLOREST), the reference of one server (for example, SERVER 1 serial number and productid) will be moved to another server (for example, SERVER 2) that overwrites the serial number and product ID of (SERVER 2).


Any HPE System attempting to load the BIOS settings to another server using iLOREST.


Manually remove the Field Replaceable Unit [FRU] data from the BIOS settings while loading the BIOS settings to another server using iLOREST by performing the following: 1. ilorest login -u -p 2. ilorest save --select bios. -f c:\test\bios_config.json 3. Open bios_config.json and remove lines containing "SerialNumber": "ProductId": If this has already occurred and the serial number and product id have been overwritten, use the following commands: ilorest set SerialNumber=<old serialnumber> --select Bios. ilorest set ProductId=<old productid> --select Bios. ilorest commit RECEIVE PROACTIVE UPDATES : Receive support alerts (such as Customer Advisories), as well as updates on drivers, software, firmware, and customer replaceable components, proactively via e-mail through HPE Subscriber's Choice. Sign up for Subscriber's Choice at the following URL: Proactive Updates Subscription Form. NAVIGATION TIP : For hints on navigating HPE.com to locate the latest drivers, patches, and other support software downloads for HPE systems and Options, refer to the Navigation Tips document . SEARCH TIP : For hints on locating similar documents on HPE.com, refer to the Search Tips Document . To search for additional advisories related to Linux, use the following search string: +Advisory +ProLiant -"Software and Drivers" +Linux

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