Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 152 days ago.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise | a00136662en_us

Advisory: HPE OneView - After a Custom SSP Is Uploaded, an Add Task May Not Completely Finish

Last update date:


Affected products:

HPE OneView

Affected releases:

HPE OneView

Fixed releases:

No fixed releases provided.



After uploading a custom SSP ISO to HPE OneView, the Add task may never finish adding. A rare limitation can cause the add task to continue spinning and never complete the add operation. This occurs if the custom SSP is created from reusing a custom SSP as the baseline over and over again. If a custom SSP is used several times as a baseline, this will result in a metadata file being too large for OneView to process. This limitation occurs when the custom SPP has been reused multiple times. An example of reusing a custom SSP baseline the result is the similar to the process below: The SSP is used as a baseline. A custom SSP #1 is created and used as a baseline. The same custom SSP #1 is used again as a baseline to create another custom SSP #2. The previous custom SSP #2 is used as a baseline another time to create custom SSP #3. If this process is repeated again with SSP #3 as the baseline, OneView will fail to add it to the firmware repository. The processing will continue and never finish.


HPE OneView using a custom SSP as a baseline several times.


For this issue, limit the number of re-uses of custom SSPs as a baseline. Start with a new and fresh SSP baseline an add the custom components as needed to create a new custom SSP. RECEIVE PROACTIVE UPDATES : Receive support alerts (such as Customer Advisories), as well as updates on drivers, software, firmware, and customer replaceable components, proactively in your e-mail through HPE Support Alerts. Sign up for Support Alerts at the following URL: HPE Email Preference Center. NAVIGATION TIP: For hints on navigating HPE.com to locate the latest drivers, patches and other support software downloads, refer to the Navigation Tips document. SEARCH TIP: For hints on locating similar documents on HPE.com, refer to the Search Tips document.

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