Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 32 days ago.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise | a00138861en_us

Advisory: HPE Network Adapters - Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Must Be Disabled In Certain Network Configurations For Certain HPE Broadcom-Based Network Adapters

Last update date:


Affected products:

Broadcom Adapters for HPE

HPE Ethernet 10/25Gb 2-port BCM57414 Adapter

HPE Ethernet 10Gb 2-port BCM57416 Adapter

Affected releases:

No affected releases provided.

Fixed releases:

No fixed releases provided.



There are network configurations where the Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) needs to be disabled for HPE platforms configured with any of the HPE Broadcom-based network adapters listed in the Scope section below. Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) may not function correctly in certain environments that require Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) frames containing LACP information to be forwarded to the network stack. Therefore, LLDP needs to be disabled on the network adapter to avoid this condition. LLDP is supported for the HPE Broadcom-based network adapters that use the BNXT drivers.


Any HPE platform configured with any of the following HPE Broadcom-based network adapters with BNXT drivers: Broadcom BCM57416 Ethernet 10Gb 2-port BASE-T Adapter for HPE HPE Ethernet 10/25Gb 2-port 631FLR-SFP28 Adapter HPE Ethernet 10/25Gb 2-port BCM57414 Adapter HPE Ethernet 10Gb 2-port 535FLR-T Adapter HPE Ethernet 10Gb 2-port BASE-T BCM57416 Adapter


LLDP is enabled by default for all HPE Broadcom-based network adapters using the BNXT drivers. The LLDP status can be viewed with the bnxtnvm utility using the following command: # bnxtnvm -dev=p3p1 getoption=lldp_nearest_non_tpmr_bridge:0 lldp_nearest_non_tpmr_bridge = Disabled # bnxtnvm -dev=p3p1 getoption=lldp_nearest_bridge:0 lldp_nearest_bridge = Disabled To disablle LLDP using the bnxtnvm utility, execute the following command: Note: The :0 and :1 are for each port on the dual port network adapters. # bnxtnvm -dev=p3p1 setoption=lldp_nearest_bridge:0#0 # bnxtnvm -dev=p3p1 setoption=lldp_nearest_bridge:1#0 # bnxtnvm -dev=p3p1 setoption=lldp_nearest_non_tpmr_bridge:0#0 # bnxtnvm -dev=p3p1 setoption=lldp_nearest_non_tpmr_bridge:1#0 To get the bnxtnvm utility; refer to the following URL, and download the Broadcom NetXtreme-E Standalone Firmware Upgrade Utility for Linux: Broadcom - Support Documents and Downloads Disclaimer: One or more of the links above will take you outside the HPE website. HPE is not responsible for content outside of its domain. RECEIVE PROACTIVE UPDATES : Receive support alerts (such as Customer Advisories), as well as updates on drivers, software, firmware, and customer replaceable components, proactively in your e-mail through HPE Support Alerts. Sign up for Support Alerts at the following URL: HPE Email Preference Center NAVIGATION TIP: For hints on navigating HPE.com to locate the latest drivers, patches and other support software downloads, refer to the Navigation Tips document. SEARCH TIP: For hints on locating similar documents on HPE.com, refer to the Search Tips document.

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