Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 468 days ago.

MongoDB | 2253738

Timeseries filtering can miss extended-range events when sharded

Last update date:


Affected products:

MongoDB Server

Affected releases:

No affected releases provided.

Fixed releases:

No fixed releases provided.



In SERVER-66469 we fixed timeseries filtering of extended-range data by disabling some predicate pushdown optimizations for collections that have the "requires extended range support" in-memory flag set. However, this flag is per-process, so any time one node plans a query to be executed on another, we need to know the value of the flag where the query will execute. SERVER-66469 attempts to fix this by checking the flag during view resolution, which in a sharded cluster happens on the primary shard. So if the collection contains extended-range data, but none of it is on the primary shard, mongos will push down more predicates than it should, and the query can miss events outside the 32-bit range. We need some mechanism for mongos to know whether extended-range events exist anywhere in the collection.

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