Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 46 days ago.

MongoDB | 2631782

FeatureFlag checks must be performed while holding the global lock in IX / X if data can be written in a new format

Last update date:


Affected products:

MongoDB Server

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No affected releases provided.

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No fixed releases provided.



As mentioned in the FCV README, it's only safe to check a featureFlag while holding the global lock in IX / X to ensure that the FCV doesn't transition all the way from upgraded -> downgraded or downgraded -> upgraded in the lifetime of an operation. This rule isn't enforced / well-known. And so we have a few cases in the code where we check a featureFlag without holding the global lock in IX / X: In createCollection, when checking for collection options (makes secondaries crash - SERVER-88964 will fix it) In bulkWrite In analyzeCmd (There might be other cases as well, I haven't checked.) This means that a node may potentially be in the fully downgraded but allow a command only executable in the upgraded state to run. Also note that the latter two examples don't seem harmful because the commands don't persist data in a new format. So we might want a way to differentiate between when a command causes data to get persisted in a new format and when a command is cosmetic (like bulkWrite). It's also worth thinking about what may happen on a sharded cluster if some shards process the command while others reject it.

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