Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 30 days ago.

MongoDB | 2648208

Handle directoryPerDb and directoryPerIndex correctly when reporting namespaces and UUIDs during a backup

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Affected products:

MongoDB Server

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No affected releases provided.

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No fixed releases provided.



The backup service maintains a ident -> (nss, uuid) map for the duration of a backup. When doing lookups into this map, we take the full path for a table and use the boost filesystem libraries stem() function to extract the table name without the extension. For example, /data/db/collection-X-123.wt -> collection-X-123 But when directoryPerDb or directoryForIndexes is used, those directories become part of the ident, and are inserted as the key into the map. So we can have idents like /collection-X-123 in the map. The usage of stem() provides the incorrect key into the map and as a result we find nothing. This will result in the backup cursor returning empty fields for the ns and uuid.

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