Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 25 days ago.

MongoDB | 2652722

Plan cache key conflict for regex with and without prefix match

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Affected products:

MongoDB Server

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No affected releases provided.

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No fixed releases provided.



Classic plan cache key does not take into account whether the regex has a prefix match. Given query {b:{$regex:/^fun/}}, we can use an index on "b", eg: // key=reb|||f ------IXSCAN ---------indexName = b_1 ---------keyPattern = { b: 1.0 } ---------direction = 1 ---------bounds = field #0['b']: ["fun", "fuo"), [/^fun/, /^fun/] ---------iets = (iets { b: 1.0 } (b: 1.0 (eval $regex #0))) If we execute the above query first, we'll cache a plan using the index. If we then execute the query {b:{$regex:/fun/}} (no fixed prefix), we'll reuse the index plan and build the following bounds, including a residual filter: ---------filter = b regex /fun/ || Selected Index #5 pos 0 combine 1 ---------direction = 1 ---------bounds = field #0['b']: ["", {}), [/fun/, /fun/] ---------iets = (iets { b: 1.0 } (b: 1.0 (eval $regex #0))) If we execute the "no fixed prefix" query first, then we'll cache a COLLSCAN plan and reuse it even when a prefix is present.

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