Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 459 days ago.

Microsoft SQL Server | 2069963

Fixes error 41842 that's incorrectly shown even when natively compiled stored procedures or in-memory transactions don't insert many records in a single transaction. Here's the error message: Error 41842: Too many rows inserted or updated in this transaction. You can insert or update at most 4,294,967,294 rows in memory-optimized tables in a single transaction.

Last update date:


Affected products:

SQL Server 2019 on Linux

SQL Server 2019 on Windows

Affected releases:

build lower than 15.0.4298.1

Fixed releases:



Fixes error 41842 that's incorrectly shown even when natively compiled stored procedures or in-memory transactions don't insert many records in a single transaction. Here's the error message: Error 41842: Too many rows inserted or updated in this transaction. You can insert or update at most 4,294,967,294 rows in memory-optimized tables in a single transaction.

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