Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 459 days ago.

Microsoft SQL Server | 2137927

Fixes an issue where schema modification (Sch-M) locks are acquired on foreign key tables when altering columns on the primary tables even if the transaction isn't related to the foreign key column. After you apply this fix, SQL Server only acquires schema stability (Sch-S) locks on foreign key tables. For more information, see Schema locks.

Last update date:


Affected products:

SQL Server 2022 on Linux

SQL Server 2022 on Windows

Affected releases:

build lower than 16.0.4003.1

Fixed releases:



Fixes an issue where schema modification (Sch-M) locks are acquired on foreign key tables when altering columns on the primary tables even if the transaction isn't related to the foreign key column. After you apply this fix, SQL Server only acquires schema stability (Sch-S) locks on foreign key tables. For more information, see Schema locks.

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