Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 432 days ago.

Microsoft SQL Server | 2205260

Before the fix, you can still enable transactional replication or change data capture (CDC) and delayed durability on a database at the same time, even if transactional replication or CDC and delayed durability aren't compatible. This fix explicitly prevents you from enabling transactional replication or CDC and delayed durability on a database at the same time by returning the following error 22891 or 22892: 22891: Could not enable '<FeatureName>' for database '<DatabaseName>'. '<FeatureName>' cannot be enabled on a DB with delayed durability set. 22892: Could not enable delayed durability on DB. Delayed durability cannot be enabled on a DB while '<FeatureName>' is enabled. For more information, see Delayed durability and other SQL Server features.

Last update date:


Affected products:

SQL Server 2022 on Linux

SQL Server 2022 on Windows

Affected releases:

build lower than 16.0.4015.1

Fixed releases:



Before the fix, you can still enable transactional replication or change data capture (CDC) and delayed durability on a database at the same time, even if transactional replication or CDC and delayed durability aren't compatible. This fix explicitly prevents you from enabling transactional replication or CDC and delayed durability on a database at the same time by returning the following error 22891 or 22892: 22891: Could not enable '<FeatureName>' for database '<DatabaseName>'. '<FeatureName>' cannot be enabled on a DB with delayed durability set. 22892: Could not enable delayed durability on DB. Delayed durability cannot be enabled on a DB while '<FeatureName>' is enabled. For more information, see Delayed durability and other SQL Server features.

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