Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 186 days ago.

Microsoft SQL Server | 2712771

Fixes an issue in which the exported delimited text file always uses a comma (',') as the field terminator when you use CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS SELECT (CETAS) to export data to a delimited text file, even if the FIELD_TERMINATOR character is specified in CREATE EXTERNAL FILE FORMAT.

Last update date:


Affected products:

SQL Server 2022 on Linux

SQL Server 2022 on Windows

Affected releases:

build lower than 16.0.4095.4

Fixed releases:



Fixes an issue in which the exported delimited text file always uses a comma (',') as the field terminator when you use CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS SELECT (CETAS) to export data to a delimited text file, even if the FIELD_TERMINATOR character is specified in CREATE EXTERNAL FILE FORMAT.

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