Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 167 days ago.

Microsoft Windows Server | WI699858

Microsoft received reports about issues connecting to Wi-Fi networks

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Windows 11

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Updates History

Published: 2024-01-09T18:24:21.78+00:00 ---------------------------------------- Microsoft has received reports of an issue in which some Wi-Fi adapters might not connect to some networks after installing KB5032288 (https://support.microsoft.com/help/5032288). We have confirmed this issue was caused by KB5032288 (https://support.microsoft.com/help/5032288) and KB5033375 (https://support.microsoft.com/help/5033375). As reported, you are more likely to be affected by this issue if you are attempting to connect to an enterprise, education, or public Wi-Fi network using 802.1x authentication. This issue is not likely to occur on home networks. Resolution: This issue was resolved in updates released January 9, 2024 (KB5034123 (https://support.microsoft.com/help/5034123)) and later. We recommend you install the latest security update for your device. It contains important improvements and issue resolutions, including this one. If you install an update released January 9, 2024 (KB5034123 (https://support.microsoft.com/help/5034123)) or later, you do not need to use a Known Issue Rollback (KIR) (https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/known-issue-rollback-helping-you-keep-windows-devices-protected/ba-p/2176831) or a special Group Policy to resolve this issue. If you are using an update released before January 9, 2024, and have this issue, you can resolve it by installing and configuring the special Group Policy listed below. The special Group Policy can be found in Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> <Group Policy name listed below>. For information on deploying and configuring these special Group Policy, please see How to use Group Policy to deploy a Known Issue Rollback (https://learn.microsoft.com/troubleshoot/windows-client/group-policy/use-group-policy-to-deploy-known-issue-rollback). Group Policy downloads with Group Policy name: - Download for Windows 11, versions 23H2 and 22H2 (https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/d/4/3d4cf819-692d-48cd-a118-49db712250c9/Windows%2011%2022H2%20KB5032288%20231029_032011%20Known%20Issue%20Rollback.msi) - Windows 11 22H2 KB5032288 231029_032011 Known Issue Rollback Important: You will need to install and configure the Group Policy for your version of Windows to resolve this issue. You will also need to restart your device(s) to apply the group policy setting. Affected platforms: - Client: Windows 11, version 23H2; Windows 11, version 22H2 - Server: None Published: 2023-12-19T23:49:15+00:00 ---------------------------------------- Microsoft has received reports of an issue in which some Wi-Fi adapters might not connect to some networks after installing KB5032288 (https://support.microsoft.com/help/5032288). We have confirmed this issue was caused by KB5032288 (https://support.microsoft.com/help/5032288) and KB5033375 (https://support.microsoft.com/help/5033375). As reported, you are more likely to be affected by this issue if you are attempting to connect to an enterprise, education, or public Wi-Fi network using 802.1x authentication. This issue is not likely to occur on home networks. Resolution: This issue is resolved using Known Issue Rollback (KIR) (https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/known-issue-rollback-helping-you-keep-windows-devices-protected/ba-p/2176831). Please note that it might take up to 24 hours for the resolution to propagate automatically to consumer devices and non-managed business devices. Restarting your Windows device might help the resolution apply to your device faster. For enterprise-managed devices that have installed an affected update and encountered this issue, it can be resolved by installing and configuring a special Group Policy. The special Group Policy can be found in Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> <Group Policy name listed below> For information on deploying and configuring these special Group Policy, please see How to use Group Policy to deploy a Known Issue Rollback (https://learn.microsoft.com/troubleshoot/windows-client/group-policy/use-group-policy-to-deploy-known-issue-rollback). Group Policy downloads with Group Policy name: - Download for Windows 11, versions 23H2 and 22H2 (https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/d/4/3d4cf819-692d-48cd-a118-49db712250c9/Windows%2011%2022H2%20KB5032288%20231029_032011%20Known%20Issue%20Rollback.msi) - Windows 11 22H2 KB5032288 231029_032011 Known Issue Rollback Important: You will need to install and configure the Group Policy for your version of Windows to resolve this issue. You will also need to restart your device(s) to apply the group policy setting. Affected platforms: - Client: Windows 11, version 23H2; Windows 11, version 22H2 - Server: None Published: 2023-12-19T14:33:54.497+00:00 ---------------------------------------- Microsoft has received reports of an issue in which some Wi-Fi adapters might not connect to some networks after installing KB5032288 (https://support.microsoft.com/help/5032288). As reported, you are more likely to be affected by this issue if you are attempting to connect to an enterprise, education, or public Wi-Fi network using 802.1x authentication. This issue is not likely to occur on home networks. If you are experiencing issues, please use Feedback Hub to file a report following the below steps: 1. Launch Feedback Hub by opening the Start menu and typing "Feedback hub", or pressing the Windows key + F 2. Fill in the "Summarize your feedback" and "Explain in more detail" boxes, then click Next. 3. Under the "Choose a category" section, ensure the "Problem" button, "Network and Internet" category, and "Connecting to a Wi-Fi network" subcategory are all selected. Click Next. 4. Under the "Find similar feedback" section, select the "Make new bug" radio button and click Next. 5. Under the "Add more details" section, supply any relevant detail (Note this is not critical to addressing your issue). 6. Expand the "Recreate my problem" box and press "Start recording". Reproduce the issue on your device. 7. Press "Stop recording" once finished. Click the "Submit" button. For additional information, see Send feedback to Microsoft with the Feedback Hub app (https://support.microsoft.com/windows/send-feedback-to-microsoft-with-the-feedback-hub-app-f59187f8-8739-22d6-ba93-f66612949332). Next steps: We are presently investigating to determine if this is an issue caused by Microsoft. We will provide an update when more information is available. Affected platforms: - Client: Windows 11, version 23H2; Windows 11, version 22H2 - Server: None


We have confirmed this issue was caused by KB5032288 and KB5033375, released in December 2023

Originating KB URL


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