Operational Defect Database

BugZero updated this defect 4 days ago.

Palo Alto Networks | PAN-157215

Fixed an issue that occurred when two FQDNs were resolved to the same IP address and were configured as the same src/dst of the same rule. If one FQDN was later resolved to a different IP address, the IP address resolved for the second FQDN was also changed, which caused traffic with the original IP address to hit the incorrect rule.

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Affected products:

Pan OS

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No affected releases provided.

Fixed releases:




The earliest recollection of this bug is traced back to PAN-OS 10.1.7 - May 15, 2024. This bug is fixed in PAN-OS versions 10.2.3, 10.1.7. Fixed an issue that occurred when two FQDNs were resolved to the same IP address and were configured as the same src/dst of the same rule. If one FQDN was later resolved to a different IP address, the IP address resolved for the second FQDN was also changed, which caused traffic with the original IP address to hit the incorrect rule. For more information: https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/pan-os/10-1/pan-os-release-notes/pan-os-10-1-7-known-and-addressed-issues/pan-os-10-1-7-addressed-issues https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/pan-os/10-2/pan-os-release-notes/pan-os-10-2-3-known-and-addressed-issues/pan-os-10-2-3-addressed-issues

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