Operational Defect Database

BugZero updated this defect 13 days ago.

Palo Alto Networks | PAN-247728

When Advanced Routing is enabled, IP multicast is not supported. An upcoming version will provide support for this feature. Customers who have multicast configured or who plan to deploy multicast routing should not upgrade to 11.2.0. Additionally, when Advanced Routing is enabled, the BGP dampening configuration isn't applied to any peers or peer group; the configuration is preserved but has no effect on BGP. Customers can use BGP even if they have applied a Dampening profile to a specific set of peers. The issue doesn't affect any other BGP features.

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Affected products:

Pan OS

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Fixed releases:

No fixed releases provided.


The earliest recollection of this bug is traced back to PAN-OS 11.2.0 - May 06, 2024. When Advanced Routing is enabled, IP multicast is not supported. An upcoming version will provide support for this feature. Customers who have multicast configured or who plan to deploy multicast routing should not upgrade to 11.2.0. Additionally, when Advanced Routing is enabled, the BGP dampening configuration isn't applied to any peers or peer group; the configuration is preserved but has no effect on BGP. Customers can use BGP even if they have applied a Dampening profile to a specific set of peers. The issue doesn't affect any other BGP features. For more information: https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/pan-os/11-2/pan-os-release-notes/pan-os-11-2-0-known-and-addressed-issues/pan-os-11-2-0-known-issues

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