Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 1775 days ago.

Veeam | kb2976

Veeam Experimental Support Statement

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No fixed releases provided.



Veeam support statement for features and functionality marked as “experimental”.


Features and functionality marked as “Experimental” allow customers access to software features that are still in the early stages of Veeam’s quality control process which have not been thoroughly tested across all scenarios and/or all platform versions. Veeam makes these features available to get early feedback and validation through field testing in different environments.


Veeam will officially support features and functionality marked as “experimental” with the following limitations: Support SLAs are not guaranteed, for example due to the additional time required to create a test lab to reproduce an issue. Hotfixes and patches related to experimental features have lower priority, as the preference is given to non-experimental features. Nevertheless, it is in Veeam's best interest to make experimental features and functionality work in each environment whenever possible, as it helps us to ship such features faster and at a higher quality level.

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