Operational Defect Database

BugZero updated this defect 58 days ago.

VMware | 324254

Smarts OTM: How to create a clientcircuit using dmctl command; MR-WRONG_OPERATION_ARGS-Number and types of arguments in call to operation

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Affected products:

Smart Assurance - SMARTS

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No affected releases provided.

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How to create a Smarts OTM clientcircuit using dmctl commandThe following error is found in clientcircuit.log after trying to create Smarts OTM clientcircuit using dmctl command: dmctl -s N-WDM-T-TX invoke Optical_ObjectFactory::Optical-ObjectFactory makeClientCircuit '895' 'name' 'ClientTrail::TRAIL-423/2-3-2->399/2-3-2' 'ClientCircuit'CI-E-EGENERIC-At Wdm_Topo_ObjectFactory.c:5642 argument 3 should be of type set of ClientTrail: Number and types of arguments in call to operation don't match its signature MR-WRONG_OPERATION_ARGS-Number and types of arguments in call to operation don't match its signature The following error is found in clientcircuit.log after trying to create Smarts OTM clientcircuit using dmctl command: dmctl -s N-WDM-T-TX invoke Optical_ObjectFactory::Optical-ObjectFactory makeClientCircuit '895' 'name' 'ClientTrail::TRAIL-423/2-3-2->399/2-3-2' 'ClientCircuit'CI-E-EGENERIC-At Wdm_Topo_ObjectFactory.c:5642 argument 3 should be of type set of ClientTrail: Number and types of arguments in call to operation don't match its signature c MR-WRONG_OPERATION_ARGS-Number and types of arguments in call to operation don't match its signature


The issue with the dmctl command is that it does not accept set as parameters while the makeClientCircuit is expecting a set value for the Trails. The value being passed in the command instance is not set, which causes the command to return an argument mismatch.API Expecting setMR_Ref<MR_Object>Optical_ObjectFactory::makeClientCircuit(const mr_string_t & emsName, const mr_string_t & circuitName, const MR_RefSet<MR_Object> & underlyingTrails, const mr_string_t & className)Command issued does not have set and it will not accept set also:dmctl -s N-WDM-T-TX invoke Optical_ObjectFactory::Optical-ObjectFactory makeClientCircuit '895' 'name' 'TRAIL-423/2-3-2->399/2-3-2' 'ClientCircuit'


To resolve this issue, you must use an ASL script instead of a dmctl command. Engage EMC Professional Services for assistance with the ASL scripting required to resolve this issue.

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