Operational Defect Database

BugZero updated this defect 58 days ago.

VMware | 362626

Smarts SAM: Servlet console notification updates are slow

Last update date:


Affected products:

Smart Assurance - SMARTS

Affected releases:

No affected releases provided.

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Smarts SAM Servlet console notification updates are slow When performing Servlet console User Actions against a Smarts SAM Notification, the change is not reflected on the console immediately


This issue may be seen when the Smarts SAM throttle value on the Servlet is set too low. The throttle value controls the maximum number of updates that will be sent to a console within a predefined update period. If the throttle value is set too low as seen in this issue, the queue of unprocessed notification updates will build up and give the impression that updates are not occurring, when instead the updates are really queued.


The Smarts SAM Servlet throttle setting is configured in the web.xml file and is the parameter called com.smarts.notification.throttle. To resolve this issue, you must increase the Smarts SAM Servlet throttle value in this file to a higher value. This will increase the maximum number of updates permitted in the predefined update period and improve notification update performance.To increase the Smarts SAM Servlet throttle value, do the following:Open the web.xml file for editing in an appropriate XML editor. The web.xml file is found in the following Smarts installation directory:<BASEDIR>/smarts/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16/webapps/notifications/WEB-INF/Find the parameter in the web.xml file called com.smarts.notification.throttle. This parameter will look like the following: <param-name>com.smarts.notification.throttle</param-name><param-value>15000</param-value> Increase the <param-value> (15000 in the preceding example) to a higher value.Restart the Smarts SAM Servlet process.

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