Operational Defect Database

BugZero updated this defect 56 days ago.

VMware | 374487

Smarts SAM 8.1.2: Trap Notifications are received in Smarts OI server with IP address in 'System Name' field; Device certified as "Switch" returns as "Node" in dmctl command output

Last update date:


Affected products:

Smart Assurance - SMARTS

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No affected releases provided.

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No fixed releases provided.



Smarts Service Assurance Manager (Smarts SAM) 8.1.2 Trap Notifications are received in Smarts Open Integration (Smarts OI) server with IP address in 'System Name' fieldSmarts SAM 8.1.2 Trap Notifications are listed in Smarts OI server with "System Name" next to userdefined3 fieldOnly the IP address of a device is shown in the System Field for Smarts OI serverDevice is certified as "Switch" in Smarts IP domain manager and is shown as "Switch" in Smarts Availability/Performance Manager (Smarts APM), but returns as Node in ICIM-ObjectFactory findComputerSystem <ipaddress> command outputReceive "Node::<IP-address>" as output when running the following command against Smarts OI server: dmctl.exe -s <OI-SERVER> invoke ICIM_ObjectFactory::ICIM-ObjectFactory findComputerSystem <ipaddress>


When the "Node::<IP-address>" is being received as output as shown in the above command output, it indicates that the traps must have been received in the Smarts OI server before the Smarts IP domain manager was attached. When this condition is true and the trap is sent, the following is set in the trap definition: UNKNOWN agent = CREATE Because the IP domain is not available, it creates it as node.


If you encounter this issue in your environment, do the following: Ensure that the Smarts IP domain manager is attached to the Smarts broker.Delete the device from Smarts OI with the following command: dmctl.exe -s <OI-SERVER> delete Node::<IP-address> Click "Reconfigure" to run the reconfigure operation on the domain.Confirm that the change is successful using same dmctl command: dmctl.exe -s <OI-SERVER> invoke ICIM_ObjectFactory::ICIM-ObjectFactory findComputerSystem <ipaddress> If the change was successful, the "Node::<IP-address>" in the former output for this command should now look like the following: Switch::<systemName>

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