Operational Defect Database

BugZero updated this defect 58 days ago.

VMware | 374515

Watch4net APG 5: Modifying the logging level for Java

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Smart Assurance - Watch4net/M&R

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Watch4net APG 5: Modifying the logging level for JavaHow to modify the logging level for Java in Watch4Net APG 5


Another way to help debugging problems in APG is to modify the level of verbosity for the logs. These are common java options. Levels of warning SEVERE (highest value)WARNINGINFOCONFIGFINEFINERFINEST (lowest value) Java logging optionsLogging options are located in special configuration files in /opt/APG with the name logging.properties. For example the main one for java is: /opt/APG/Java/lib/logging.properties public class Level (Source: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs)Object implements Serializable Note the following about the Level class: The Level class defines a set of standard logging levels that can be used to control logging output. The logging Level objects are ordered and are specified by ordered integers. Enabling logging at a given level also enables logging at all higher levels. Clients should normally use the predefined Level constants such as Level.SEVERE. There is a level OFF that can be used to turn off logging, and a level ALL that can be used to enable logging of all messages. It is possible for third parties to define additional logging levels by subclassing Level. In such cases subclasses should take care to choose unique integer level values and to ensure that they maintain the Object uniqueness property across serialization by defining a suitable readResolve method.

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