Operational Defect Database

BugZero updated this defect 58 days ago.

VMware | 374538

Watch4net APG 5: Encrypting the APG password in the configuration (*.conf) files for SMARTS and SMARTS-Health

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Smart Assurance - Watch4net/M&R

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Watch4net APG 5: Encrypting the APG password in the configuration (*.conf) files for SMARTS and SMARTS-HealthHow to encrypt the Watch4net APG 5 password in the SMARTS and SMARTS-Health configuration (*.conf) files


Watch4net provides a tool with APG to encrypt passwords called crypt-password. To encrypt the password in the conf files for SMARTS and SMARTS-Health, do the following: 1. Generate the secure password with the crypt-password tool (see EMC knowledgebase solution article Link Error: ). 2. Look in /opt/APG/APG-Backend/conf/collecting.xml for the <collectors> block. There, look for the <collector> with SmCollectorDiscovery or SmDiscovery in the <classname> block. A. SmCollectorDiscovery If you are using the Smarts AutoDiscovery, the file to modify will be/opt/APG/APG-Backend/conf/sm-discovery.xml: <authentication> <broker></broker> <domains refresh-period="240"> <default-username>admin</default-username> <default-password>{Encrypted password generated using APG crypt-password tool}</default-password> </domains> </authentication> B. SmDiscovery In the case of specific domains configured, each domains will have its own configuration file. The filename is included in the block <config-file>: <collector enabled="true" name="INCHARGE-AM-PM2" next="Cache"> <classname>com.watch4net.apg.v2.collector.plugins.SmCollector</classname> <config-file>conf/smarts-INCHARGE-AM-PM2.xml</config-file> </collector> Replace the password in each SMARTS domain's configuration file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE config SYSTEM "smarts.dtd"> <config> <domain>INCHARGE-AM-PM2</domain> <broker>localhost:426</broker> <username>admin</username> <password>{Encrypted password generated using APG crypt-password tool}</password> <group>group</group> <period>240</period> <thread pool-size="3" /> <dm-connection pool-size="2" keep-connection="false" creation-grace-time="100" /> <indicators select="both">conf/pm.xml</indicators> <properties refresh="00:00/86400" send-on-refresh-only="false" /> <smooth-factor>0.5</smooth-factor> </config> C. SMARTS-Health If you are using a per domain configuration and you need the SMARTS Health metrics, apply the same change to the SMARTS Health configuration file. The default name is smarts-pm-health.xml: <collector enabled="true" name="INCHARGE-AM-PM2-Health" next="Cache"> <classname>com.watch4net.apg.v2.collector.plugins.SmCollector</classname> <config-file>conf/smarts-pm-health-2.xml</config-file> </collector> Replace the password in each SMARTS-Health domain's configuration file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE config SYSTEM "smarts.dtd"> <config> <domain>INCHARGE-AM-PM2</domain> <broker>localhost:426</broker> <username>admin</username> <password>{Encrypted password generated using APG crypt-password tool}</password> <group>group</group> <period>240</period> <thread pool-size="3" /> <dm-connection pool-size="2" keep-connection="false" creation-grace-time="100" /> <indicators select="both">conf/pm-health.xml</indicators> <properties refresh="00:00/86400" send-on-refresh-only="false" /> <smooth-factor>0.5</smooth-factor> </config> 3. Execute /opt/APG/bin/apg-collector restart.

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