Operational Defect Database

BugZero updated this defect 58 days ago.

VMware | 74788

Accessing a Custom Group in vRealize Automation generates the following error: "Failed to instantiate SCIM GroupResource"

Last update date:


Affected products:

vRealize Automation

Affected releases:


Fixed releases:

No fixed releases provided.



Opening a custom group generates the following error: [UTC:2018-09-27 21:25:17,680 Local:2018-09-27 14:25:17,680] vcac: [component="cafe:shell" priority="ERROR" thread="tomcat-http--2" tenant="vsphere.local" context="sXNDkisq" parent="" token="sXNDkisq"] com.vmware.vcac.shell.service.ErrorServiceImpl.logToApacheCommons:59 - <767fda5b> Unexpected exception was caught com.google.gwt.core.shared.SerializableThrowable: Failed to instantiate SCIM GroupResource.


Users removed from a source LDAP or Active Directory environment are marked as "soft deleted" within vRealize Automation after a successful directory synchronization.

Impact / Risks

Ensure there is a valid backup or snapshots available to revert to if necessary.


Prerequisites Configure pgAdmin to connect to a vRealize Automation instance Extracting the User ids from the Custom Groups("groupType"='DYNAMIC') from Group table. select array_agg(e::text::int) from saas."Group" ,json_array_elements("compositionRules"::json -> 'addedUserIds') as e where "groupType"='DYNAMIC';Example: Take the UserIds from step 1 and query for impacted "soft deleted" users: select "idUser" from saas."Users" where "idUserStatus"=3 and "idUser" IN(CommaDelimitedIDsFrom Step#1); Use problematic UserID to determine UserID and their associated group memberships: select "id" from saas."Group" where "groupType"='DYNAMIC' AND "compositionRules" ~* 'idUser1|idUser2'; As shown in the above screenshot idUser 1959 was soft deleted from the environment. select "id" from saas."Group" where "groupType"='DYNAMIC' AND "compositionRules" ~* '1959'; Query the group using the id from step 3: select * from saas."Group" where id = '1127'; Double click on compositionRules: id 1959 should be a member of this group Edit this section to remove this id from this column and save the change with F6. 1959 should no longer exist:

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