Operational Defect Database

BugZero updated this defect 54 days ago.

VMware | 75276

In ESXi 6.5 and 6.7 After applying host-profile the host loses access to the management network

Last update date:


Affected products:

vSphere ESXi

Affected releases:


Fixed releases:

No fixed releases provided.



After remediation,the management on vmk0 was changed assigned the vmotion address to vmk0 In the hostd logs you see similar entries 2019-10-16T10:12:36.960Z info hostd[2101721] [Originator@6876 sub=Hostsvc opID=jxnf909t-13914262-auto-8a8dr-h5:70741832-25-01-75-4d47-4d86 user=vpxuser] UpdateNetwork with Config: (vim.host.NetworkConfig) {--> vswitch = <unset>,--> proxySwitch = <unset>,--> portgroup = <unset>,--> pnic = <unset>,--> vnic = (vim.host.VirtualNic.Config) [--> (vim.host.VirtualNic.Config) {--> changeOperation = "add",--> device = "vmk0",--> portgroup = "",--> spec = (vim.host.VirtualNic.Specification) {--> dynamicProperty = <unset>,--> ip = (vim.host.IpConfig) {--> dhcp = false,--> ipAddress = "",--> subnetMask = "",--> ipV6Config = (vim.host.IpConfig.IpV6AddressConfiguration) null--> },--> mac = "00:50:56:60:90:0d",--> distributedVirtualPort = (vim.dvs.PortConnection) {--> switchUuid = "50 0e a3 1f ea 2a 4d 85-89 58 cc dd 4a 0e c5 a3",--> portgroupKey = "dvportgroup-28",--> portKey = "301",--> connectionCookie = 1458354535--> },--> portgroup = <unset>,--> mtu = 1500,--> tsoEnabled = <unset>,--> netStackInstanceKey = "defaultTcpipStack",--> opaqueNetwork = (vim.host.VirtualNic.OpaqueNetworkSpec) null,--> externalId = <unset>,--> pinnedPnic = <unset>,--> ipRouteSpec = (vim.host.VirtualNic.IpRouteSpec) {--> ipRouteConfig = (vim.host.IpRouteConfig) {--> defaultGateway = "",--> gatewayDevice = <unset>,--> ipV6DefaultGateway = "::",--> ipV6GatewayDevice = <unset>--> }--> }--> }--> }--> ],--> consoleVnic = <unset>,--> dnsConfig = (vim.host.DnsConfig) null,--> ipRouteConfig = (vim.host.IpRouteConfig) null,--> consoleIpRouteConfig = (vim.host.IpRouteConfig) null,--> routeTableConfig = (vim.host.IpRouteTableConfig) null,--> dhcp = <unset>,--> nat = <unset>,--> ipV6Enabled = <unset>,--> netStackSpec = <unset>--> }2019-10-16T10:12:36.980Z error hostd[2101721] [Originator@6876 sub=Hostsvc opID=jxnf909t-13914262-auto-8a8dr-h5:70741832-25-01-75-4d47-4d86 user=vpxuser] Cannot use IPv6 gateway with DHCPv6 or auto-conf2019-10-16T10:12:36.980Z error hostd[2101721] [Originator@6876 sub=Hostsvc.NetworkVmkSimulator opID=jxnf909t-13914262-auto-8a8dr-h5:70741832-25-01-75-4d47-4d86 user=vpxuser] Invalid ip spec2019-10-16T10:12:36.980Z info hostd[2101721] [Originator@6876 sub=Hostsvc opID=jxnf909t-13914262-auto-8a8dr-h5:70741832-25-01-75-4d47-4d86 user=vpxuser] Simulate failedNote:The preceding log excerpts are only examples.Date,time and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.


To apply the host profile.


ipv6Config is null but ipV6DefaultGateway is not null.

Impact / Risks

After patch update it requires to extract the host profile and remediation again.


This has been resolved ESXI 6.7U 2 and ESXI 6.5 P04, once patched to this version please extract the host-profile remediate again. To download go to Customer Connect



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