Operational Defect Database

BugZero updated this defect 40 days ago.

VMware | 97481

iSCSI datastores and Static discovery is disappearing after ESXi host reboot.

Last update date:


Affected products:

vSphere ESXi

Affected releases:


Fixed releases:

No fixed releases provided.



ESXi server running ESXi 7 was upgraded to ESXi 8.0. After upgrade, the LUNs for the datastores are not seen on the iSCSI controller until a rescan operation is manually run. A subsequent restart causes the same sequence of events to occur.


-Need to bring all the iSCSI datastore after ESXI host reboot after ESXi 8.0U2 upgrade. -Need to bring the iSCSI static discovery online after host reboot. -Confirmed that the static discovery is disappearing after ESXI host reboot. -Running a storage rescan manually allows all the ISCSI datastores to populate.


Check and confirmed that a single subnet is used if network port binding. https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2038869

Impact / Risks

-We have to perform manual Storage rescan to bring all the storage online.


Need to increase the ESXi boot delay time. The adapter need little bit more time to load adapters and storage. Navigate to the bootbank directory: cd /vmfs/volumes/BOOTBANK*/ Make a backup of the boot.cfg cp boot.cfg boot.cfg.bak Edit boot.cfg to add the following setting to the line beginning with kernelopt devListStabilityCount= the value you determined in the beginning of Step 1 Before:After: Save the changes, and reboot the ESXi host to apply the workaround.Login via SSH after the system has rebootedRun the following command: ls -al / The output will list the links for bootbank and altbootbank. Confirm the path shows as /vmfs/volumes/UUID for both.

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