Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 2222 days ago.

WatchGuard Technologies | kA10H000000g3d6SAA

Dimension fails PCI scan due to End of Life Ubuntu version

Last update date:


Affected products:

WatchGuard Dimension

Affected releases:


WatchGuard Dimension

2.x and 1.x

Fixed releases:




If you originally deployed Dimension with an older version, your system might fail a PCI scan because the underlying Ubuntu installation is an End of Life release. This issue will persist even if you upgrade your Dimension systems to the latest version. Review the table below for which Ubuntu version is included in the Dimension OS version you originally deployed, and when that version Ubuntu reaches or will reach End of Life. Dimension versionUbuntu versionEnd of Life2.2 and later release20.04 LTSApril 20252.1.2 and later release16.04 LTSApril 20211.3 and later release14.04 LTSApril 20191.2 and later release12.02 LTS August 2014 To confirm the Ubuntu version which your Dimension system includes, open the console for your Dimension system. The Ubuntu version number will appear in the system greeting.


To correct this issue, you must deploy a new instance with the current Dimension release. If your Dimension system uses an external database, you can configure your new deployment to use the existing database. For full instructions, see Configure the Database Location. If your Dimension system uses the built-in database, you must create a backup of your existing database, then restore it when you deploy the new instance. To learn more, see Back up and Restore Historical Data.For information on how to move your Dimension database to a new Dimension instance, see Move the Dimension Database to a New Dimension Server.

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