Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 452 days ago.

WatchGuard Technologies | kA16S000000BcZcSAK

TDR Upgrade to Endpoint Security wizard does not include EPDR and EDR licenses

Last update date:


Affected products:


WatchGuard Cloud

WatchGuard Endpoint Security

Affected releases:



WatchGuard Cloud

WatchGuard Endpoint Security

Fixed releases:




During the TDR to WatchGuard Endpoint upgrade process, the wizard verifies the number of available endpoints in the license. If the account has EDR Core and another Endpoint Security product (WatchGuard EDR or EPDR) license, the wizard can miscalculate the number of available endpoints.


TDR users can upgrade their Host Sensors to EDR Core or another endpoint security product (WatchGuard EDR or EPDR) from WatchGuard Cloud. It is important to have enough endpoints in the EDR Core or Endpoint Security license to replace all of your Host Sensors.The upgrade process automatically removes TDR and installs the WatchGuard Endpoint Agent on available endpoints. If the account has EDR Core and another Endpoint Security product, the EDR Core license becomes inactive during the upgrade process. We strongly recommend that you manually review the WatchGuard EDR or EPDR license in the account before you start the upgrade wizard. To review license quantities, in WatchGuard Cloud, select Inventory > Endpoint > Licenses. If there are enough endpoints in the WatchGuard EDR or EPDR license for all of your Host Sensors, then you can proceed with the upgrade wizard. If there are not enough available endpoints available in the WatchGuard EDR or EPDR license, do not start the upgrade wizard. If you are unsure if there are enough available endpoints in the license, we recommend that you manually install the Endpoint Security product and do not use the upgrade wizard. To manually upgrade a Host Sensor to Endpoint Security, you uninstall the TDR Host Sensor and then install the Endpoint Security Software. For more information, go to Uninstall TDR Host Sensors and Install the Endpoint Security Software in Help Center.

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