Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 776 days ago.

WatchGuard Technologies | kA16S000000O6z9SAC

WatchGuard Cloud-managed Firebox deployment failure: unsupported_feature_error:Tor Exit Node Blocking requires Fireware v12.x.x or higher

Last update date:


Affected products:

Firebox M200

Firebox M300

Firebox M270

Firebox M370

Firebox M470

Firebox M570

Firebox M670

Firebox M290

Firebox M390

Firebox M400

Firebox M500

Firebox M440

Affected releases:


Fixed releases:




Update: On 14 April 2022, WatchGuard released a fix that resolves this issue going forward. If you have already encountered this issue and continue to do so, please contact Support for assistance. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firebox templates and device configurations that include changes to the default Network Blocking features fail to deploy with the error message: Transduction for deployment deployment_XXX failed unsupported_feature_error: Tor Exit Node Blocking requires Fireware v12.x.x or higher.


To recover devices that are stuck in this state, follow these steps: Select Configure > Firebox Templates.For all templates that are currently assigned to the affected devices, select Network Blocking, then clear the Apply to subscribed devices check box.Select Configure > Devices, select the affected device, then select Deployment History. Revert the configuration back to the last successful configuration version. If you need to disable Network Blocking features, you can do so for each policy.

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