Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 558 days ago.

WatchGuard Technologies | kA16S000000WOsqSAG

Errors in WatchGuard Cloud for actions that affect FireCluster device status

Last update date:


Affected products:

WatchGuard Cloud

Affected releases:


WatchGuard Cloud

Fixed releases:




When you try to perform actions that affect the device status of a cloud-managed FireCluster, you see errors in WatchGuard Cloud. Examples of this issue include: When you try to add a FireCluster to WatchGuard Cloud, the process fails with the error "Unable to add FireCluster members to WatchGuard Cloud. Please contact your Service Provider or support team to resolve this issue."When you try to regenerate the verification code for a cloud-managed FireCluster, you see the error "Could not regenerate code" in WatchGuard Cloud.When you try to remove a FireCluster from cloud management, the process fails with the error "The Firebox cannot be removed from WatchGuard Cloud. To resolve this issue, please contact your Service Provider or support team."When you create a Firebox resource in AuthPoint, the AuthPoint resource is created successfully, but the Firebox does not recognize that AuthPoint is enabled and does not attempt AuthPoint authentication. You might see similar errors when you perform other actions with cloud-managed FireClusters that affect the device status.


No workaround exists at this time.

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