Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 268 days ago.

WatchGuard Technologies | kA16S000000byV9SAI

DHCP stops working on a Firebox interface

Last update date:


Affected products:

Firebox M200

Firebox M300

Firebox M270

Firebox M370

Firebox M470

Firebox M570

Firebox M670

Firebox M290

Firebox M390

Firebox M400

Firebox M500

Firebox M440

Affected releases:


Fixed releases:




There is a issue on the Firebox that sometimes causes the DHCP service to stop working. When this occurs, network clients could report that their network devices cannot get an IP address and you may see error messages that look like this in your event log file: 2022-05-29 13:35:54 dhcpd DHCPDISCOVER from xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx via eth1: network eth1: no free leases msg_id="1600-0067" Event This event may be caused by the DHCP lease pool becoming exhausted because all available IP addresses have been marked as "abandoned." If this occurs, DHCP stops working correctly on that particular Firebox interface. The only way to understand if the Firebox DHCP server has marked IP addresses as "abandoned" is to check the dhcp_lease file in the Firebox diagnostic log file. For more information, see: If you use WatchGuard System Manager > Firebox System Manager: https://www.watchguard.com/help/docs/help-center/en-US/Content/en-US/Fireware/fsm/downoad_support_file.html If you use Fireware Web UI: https://www.watchguard.com/help/docs/help-center/en-US/Content/en-US/Fireware/system_status/support_diagnostics-file_web.html


While we work to resolve this issue, you may want to try to use a different DHCP server for the affected network. You could also increase your available DHCP pool by changing the subnet mask on the related network interface to enable it to provide more IP addresses.

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