Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 245 days ago.

WatchGuard Technologies | kA16S000000bye6SAA

Remote computers with WatchGuard Endpoint Security installed restart before the scheduled reinstallation

Last update date:


Affected products:

WatchGuard Endpoint Security

Affected releases:


WatchGuard Endpoint Security

Fixed releases:




WatchGuard Endpoint Security (both the Endpoint Agent and the protection software) can be reinstalled remotely from the management UI to resolve some issues.Remote installation requires the endpoint to restart after the protection software installs. The user can select to reinstall the software immediately (which requires a restart after one minute), or they can delay installation.If the user selects to delay installation, the protection software reinstalls and then restarts the endpoint at the time scheduled by the administrator. For more information, go to Reinstall Endpoint Security in Help Center. In this Known Issue, when the administrator delays the protection software reinstallation, the remote computer restarts immediately and ignores the time scheduled in the management UI. This issue only affects computers when there are no users logged in to the computer.


This issue will be resolved in a future release of the endpoint agent.

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