Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 1946 days ago.

SonicWall | GEN7-32129

After disabling source port remap under NAT, a firewall may drop traffic with the error NAT policy generate unique remap port failed. Traffic originating from the X0 interface works correctly for TCP, but drops with the same error for ICMP. Traffic from other interfaces or VPN do not work for TCP or ICMP. (The option was removed from multibladed platforms.)

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Affected products:

NSsp 15700

Affected releases:

No affected releases provided.

Fixed releases:



After disabling source port remap under NAT, a firewall may drop traffic with the error NAT policy generate unique remap port failed. Traffic originating from the X0 interface works correctly for TCP, but drops with the same error for ICMP. Traffic from other interfaces or VPN do not work for TCP or ICMP. (The option was removed from multibladed platforms.)

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